The importance of educating all parents to be as effective as possible in raising their children has been recognized in the United States since at least the year 1815, when the first parent group meetings were reported. These and other early efforts allowed groups of parents to gain emotional and social support from each other and to learn about child development.
In the early 1970's, a new and effective approach to educating and training parents emerged - the creation and use of carefully constructed parenting skill-building programs.These programs are designed to improve parental effectiveness for all parents by providing a clear parenting philosophy and a set of positive parenting skills and strategies that can be used immediately to address a variety of child-rearing challenges and problems.
The best parents are ones that acknowledge they do not know everything and could use extra support. In fact most of our clients are excellent parents. One does NOT have to be ruled a bad parent or have a child protective services case to receive parenting skills training.
In the early 1970's, a new and effective approach to educating and training parents emerged - the creation and use of carefully constructed parenting skill-building programs.These programs are designed to improve parental effectiveness for all parents by providing a clear parenting philosophy and a set of positive parenting skills and strategies that can be used immediately to address a variety of child-rearing challenges and problems.
The best parents are ones that acknowledge they do not know everything and could use extra support. In fact most of our clients are excellent parents. One does NOT have to be ruled a bad parent or have a child protective services case to receive parenting skills training.
We at LeBlanc know that it takes a village to raise a healthy and balanced child just see what Gabi and Eljay has to say about it by listening to their testimonials.
Parenting Skills Client Perspective Gabi came to LeBlanc Consulting, heartbroken and did not trust us due to her previous experiences. Gabi refused to let us into her house the first time and forced us to sit on the porch to speak with her. She refused to even let us take her anywhere and instead missed all important appointments for her daughter. After getting to know her Parenting Skills Consultant Gabi began to open up a little more after each meeting. Now, Gabi is on track! Gabi is now receiving wic and has a monthly schedule where she grocery shops, does her laundry and cleans her home. Parenting became much easier for her because not only did she get help from Julie she requested financial help from Kwesi, who has her on track to investing and saving. Gabi is not only paying her bills on time, she has started a savings account for herself and her daughter. Although she only able to save $40 per month it's much more than she was saving.
Parenting Skills Client Perspective Eljay is a single father with seven children. He is a wonderful dad to all of his children, yet had allot of difficulties with the mothers. Eljay was referred to LeBlanc Consulting after experiencing domestic violence with one of the mothers of his children that left him facing charges. The mother was verbally abusive and physically abusive to Eljay. As a result as he made an attempt to escape from the house; the mother os his children hit him over the head causing a bloody gash. He pushed her to the ground and ran for his life! He was able to escape with just the clothes on his back. However after flagging down the police car Eljay was also arrested because he pushed her to the ground. Eljay was able to get out of the bad relationship and get his own apartment. Eljay placed a restraining order on the mother of his children and fought diligently with his Parenting Consultant to gain joint custody or visitation of his children. Instead of gaining joint custody the Judge awarded him full custody of four of his children! Eljay has come a long way and has been able to maintained his job through out his entire dilemma. We are so proud of how hard Eljay works to maintain his family system and keep all of his children together.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are interested in private parenting sessions please scroll down. ALL Clients will be provided a well-rounded curriculum of activities to meet their individual needs. Please apply by clicking here or for more information call us toll free at (800) 707-1852 or at 510-275-3679 and we will be more than happy to assist you. |
Research has shown that these type of programs...
What is a Good Father?
Intensive Behavioral and Social Skill Services combine positive behavior support and intervention as well as the development of social skills, peer relationships and help to overcome social skill challenges. Such services are provided during the week when students of similar age are involved in after school recreation/leisure time activities and/or on vacation/holiday from structured educational programming.
This program focuses on preventing regression of abilities or escalation of challenging behaviors. These students require a daily routine highly structured provided by a specialized behaviorist. This behaviorist works one to one with the students and creates a specific structured routine for the students. The student must exhibit identified and documented severe behavior challenges across different environments such as school and home. These behaviors include self injurious acts, assault acts, or property destruction. It is mandatory that parents of students under the IBSS program participate by close communication with the one-on-one behaviorist.
If your child is a Regional Center client and you believe that he needs the IBSS program you must contact your case manager to determine eligibility. LeBlanc Consulting does not determine eligibility.
This program focuses on preventing regression of abilities or escalation of challenging behaviors. These students require a daily routine highly structured provided by a specialized behaviorist. This behaviorist works one to one with the students and creates a specific structured routine for the students. The student must exhibit identified and documented severe behavior challenges across different environments such as school and home. These behaviors include self injurious acts, assault acts, or property destruction. It is mandatory that parents of students under the IBSS program participate by close communication with the one-on-one behaviorist.
If your child is a Regional Center client and you believe that he needs the IBSS program you must contact your case manager to determine eligibility. LeBlanc Consulting does not determine eligibility.
Parenting Services Include but not limited to...
√ Promoting Breastfeeding
√ Child Safety √ Positive Discipline √ Active Parenting √ Healthy Nutrition √ Times Management √ Child’s Education √ Behavioral Management √ Child Development √ Child Protective Service Assistance √ A Healthy Family Balance √ Personal Responsibility √ How to be a Role Model √ How to Prevent Co-Dependence √ Child Health and Medical Management √ How to Make Positive Choices and Parents √ How to pursue meaningful goals for both personal growth and development √ Individualized Parental Lifestyle Plans √ Parental Household Management Support √ Learning to read to the children √ Completion of Child's school or medical forms √ Practical banking skills for child's college savings √ The use of public transportation with an infant or child |
Here are some more photos of the adorable & healthy babies we have helped coach into this world. Are you or someone you know pregnant? Allow us to help!
Rewards of Parenting Skills
Parenting is one of the most rewarding jobs one can have! We encourage a parent's active participation to encompass the role of homemaker, caregiver, teacher, disciplinarian, nurse and friend. Le Blanc Consulting teaches that the rewards in parenting are gained by: THE WORK THAT PARENTS INVEST TO RAISE THEIR OWN CHILD! |
Private Parenting Skills Training Sessions
Parenting Skills Training 8 (5.5 hours)
This is part eight in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are 5.5 hours in length (this is the max a parenting skills trainer can stay at your home) This session is done only in person. We recommend scheduling four sessions. This will enhance the likelihood of your success.
Parenting Skill Training 7 (4 hours)
This is part seven in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are 4 hours in length and are conducted in person. We recommend scheduling four sessions. This will enhance the likelihood of your success
Parenting Skills Training 6 (3.5 hours)
This is part six in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are conducted in person in 3.5 hours per session. A parenting skills instructor will come to your house and assist with eliminating external parenting stressors. We recommend scheduling four sessions . This will enhance the likelihood of your success.
Parenting Skills Training 5 (3 hours)
This is part five in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are 3 hours in length and can be conducted by phone or skype or in person the option is up to you.
Parenting Skills Training 4 (2.5 hours)
This is part four in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are 160 minutes in length and can be conducted by phone or skype. We recommend scheduling four sessions in the initial phase. This will enhance the likelihood of your success. After the four sessions, individual sessions can then be arranged.
Parenting Skills Training 3 (2 hours)
This is part three in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are 120 minutes in length and can be conducted by phone or skype. We recommend scheduling four sessions in the initial phase. This will enhance the likelihood of your success. After the four sessions, individual sessions can then be arranged.
Parenting Skills Training 2 (1.5 hours)
This is part two in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are 1.5 hours in length and can be conducted by phone or skype. We recommend scheduling four sessions in the initial phase. This will enhance the likelihood of your success. After the four sessions, individual sessions can then be arranged.
Parenting Skills Training 1 (1 hour)
This is part one in our 8 part parenting Parenting Skills Series. Sessions are 1 hour in length and can be conducted by phone or skype. We recommend scheduling four sessions in the initial phase. This will enhance the likelihood of your success. After the four sessions, individual sessions can then be arranged.
Are you aware that LeBlanc Consulting Offers Parenting Groups? Click here to find out more.
Click to download the English Parenting Skills Flyer![]()
Click to download the Spanish Parenting Skills Flyer![]()
We Provide Services 24/7
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:00am-7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday by Appointment Only
We operate on Pacific Standard Time.
Contact us:
Toll FREE: 1(800) 707-1852
North Bay Office: 1(707) 654-8488
North Bay Cell: 1(707) 727-9100
East Bay Office: 1(510) 275-3679
East Bay Cell: 1( 510) 241-9115
South Bay Cell: 1(831) 313-7902
Golden Gate Cell: 1(415) 630-0112
E-mail: [email protected]
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:00am-7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday by Appointment Only
We operate on Pacific Standard Time.
Contact us:
Toll FREE: 1(800) 707-1852
North Bay Office: 1(707) 654-8488
North Bay Cell: 1(707) 727-9100
East Bay Office: 1(510) 275-3679
East Bay Cell: 1( 510) 241-9115
South Bay Cell: 1(831) 313-7902
Golden Gate Cell: 1(415) 630-0112
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © 2011-2025, LeBlanc Consulting,Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
Please Note: If you have questions, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to speak with you. Le Blanc consulting reserves the right to refuse services and admission to our programs. Tours and Open house can be reserved by clicking here The information presented in this website is for informational use only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult a health practitioner before embarking on any health protocol. Moreover, LeBlanc Consulting is not responsible for any problems, issues, or technical difficulties related to downloading or accessing any information on this website. This web site is designed for your general information only. The information presented on this website should not be construed to be formal Therapeutic Counseling sessions or advice nor the formation of a Therapist/client relationship. Furthermore, the hiring of a Professional is an important decision and should not be based solely upon any form of advertisements. Before you decide to hire, please feel free to review our degrees and certification by contacting us for more information about our qualifications and experience.
Mandated Reporter Notice: All Instructors,Caregivers and staff affiliated with Le Blanc Consulting are considered Mandated Reporters. California Law, under section WIC 15630(a) of the Welfare & Institution Code provides for mandatory reporting of physical abuse, neglect, self neglect, sexual abuse, mental suffering, financial abuse, isolation, abandonment or abduction of a dependent adult when:1) The victim reports abuse has occurred or has knowledge of abuse. 2) You observe the incident. 3) when an injury or condition reasonably leads one to suspect that abuse has occurred. Any signs of abuse will be reported to Child Protective Services or Adult Protective Services.
Intellectual Property & Copyright Material Warning: All images are on this website copyright to their respective owners/photographers, no copyright infringement intended. Some of the material and documents available for your view is copyrighted and protected by applicable state and federal copyright laws. LeBlanc Consulting respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same.You are not authorized and may not reproduce, download, post, modify, distribute, or reproduce in any way copyrighted or other proprietary materials that are stored in this database without obtaining the prior written consent of the copyright owner of such materials. We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, deny access to a site or service or disable and/or terminate the accounts of any user who is alleged to have infringed the intellectual property or proprietary rights of LeBlanc Consulting or another.
The use, reproduction, downloading, or distribution of copyrighted materials and works may subject you to applicable penalties and damages under state and federal copyright laws. You are granted public access to such copyrighted works in our database for examination and inspection purposes only. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the public information data and graphic representations, LeBlanc Consulting cannot and shall not be responsible for consequences resulting from any omissions or errors contained herein. LeBlanc Consulting assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of this data.
Please Note: If you have questions, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to speak with you. Le Blanc consulting reserves the right to refuse services and admission to our programs. Tours and Open house can be reserved by clicking here The information presented in this website is for informational use only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult a health practitioner before embarking on any health protocol. Moreover, LeBlanc Consulting is not responsible for any problems, issues, or technical difficulties related to downloading or accessing any information on this website. This web site is designed for your general information only. The information presented on this website should not be construed to be formal Therapeutic Counseling sessions or advice nor the formation of a Therapist/client relationship. Furthermore, the hiring of a Professional is an important decision and should not be based solely upon any form of advertisements. Before you decide to hire, please feel free to review our degrees and certification by contacting us for more information about our qualifications and experience.
Mandated Reporter Notice: All Instructors,Caregivers and staff affiliated with Le Blanc Consulting are considered Mandated Reporters. California Law, under section WIC 15630(a) of the Welfare & Institution Code provides for mandatory reporting of physical abuse, neglect, self neglect, sexual abuse, mental suffering, financial abuse, isolation, abandonment or abduction of a dependent adult when:1) The victim reports abuse has occurred or has knowledge of abuse. 2) You observe the incident. 3) when an injury or condition reasonably leads one to suspect that abuse has occurred. Any signs of abuse will be reported to Child Protective Services or Adult Protective Services.
Intellectual Property & Copyright Material Warning: All images are on this website copyright to their respective owners/photographers, no copyright infringement intended. Some of the material and documents available for your view is copyrighted and protected by applicable state and federal copyright laws. LeBlanc Consulting respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same.You are not authorized and may not reproduce, download, post, modify, distribute, or reproduce in any way copyrighted or other proprietary materials that are stored in this database without obtaining the prior written consent of the copyright owner of such materials. We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, deny access to a site or service or disable and/or terminate the accounts of any user who is alleged to have infringed the intellectual property or proprietary rights of LeBlanc Consulting or another.
The use, reproduction, downloading, or distribution of copyrighted materials and works may subject you to applicable penalties and damages under state and federal copyright laws. You are granted public access to such copyrighted works in our database for examination and inspection purposes only. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the public information data and graphic representations, LeBlanc Consulting cannot and shall not be responsible for consequences resulting from any omissions or errors contained herein. LeBlanc Consulting assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of this data.